Jyoshinmon is a martial arts club and one of the oldest and strongest martial arts schools in Estonia. The club’s training programs focus on developing physical and mental strength and discipline. In addition to the main sport of Karate, they also offer Grappling, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, Kickboxing, and MMA.


1Initial Situation

Our website's design had become outdated, and the functionalities were based on modules that had long been neglected - a security risk. Additionally, the website's search engine ranking left much to be desired, resulting in the site being found on the back pages of search results - far from pole position.

2Our Approach

In redesigning the Jyoshinmon Martial Arts Club website, we took a holistic approach that encompassed design, functionality, and search engine optimization (SEO).

required services
Web Development, Design Creation, Tech. Support
products and services
Homepage, Branding, Graphic Design
Project Status
Processing Time
2 months
Balanced personal development
Balanced personal development


Analysis and Planning
A comprehensive analysis of the old website required a thorough examination of all existing content, designs, and technical structures. The goal was to identify outdated components without losing sight of the core aspects and user needs.
First, we conducted an in-depth analysis of the existing website to identify weaknesses in design, functionality, and SEO strategy. Based on this analysis, we developed a detailed plan that takes into account the goals and needs of the Jyoshinmon martial arts club.
Modern, User-Friendly Design
The goal was to create a modern and user-friendly design that is both aesthetically pleasing and functionally simple. It was crucial to develop a design that engages visitors while enabling intuitive navigation.
The design of the new website was completely revamped to ensure a modern, appealing look that reflects the values and dynamism of the martial arts club. We placed special emphasis on user-friendliness to ensure that visitors can quickly and easily access information.
Technical Optimization
Replacing outdated modules with newer, more secure technologies posed the challenge of ensuring compatibility with existing content while simultaneously enhancing the website's security and performance without compromising the user experience.
We replaced the outdated modules with modern, more secure technologies to future-proof the website and minimize security risks. The technical structure of the website was optimized to reduce loading times and ensure a seamless user experience across all devices.
SEO Strategy
To improve the search engine ranking, careful selection and implementation of keywords, optimization of the website structure, and building of backlinks were required. This necessitated a deep understanding of SEO practices and the ability to effectively apply them to the specific goals of the website.
To enhance the website's ranking in search engines, we implemented a comprehensive SEO strategy. This included optimizing content with relevant keywords, structuring the website for better crawling efficiency, and establishing high-quality backlinks. Our goal was to increase the website's visibility and position it at the top of search engine results.
Content Strategy
Creating and optimizing content required a comprehensive understanding of the club's target audience. The challenge was to create content that captivates, informs, and encourages interaction while simultaneously supporting SEO goals.
We revised and expanded the website's content to make it more informative and engaging for the target audience. To achieve this, we created high-quality texts, images, and videos that highlight the diversity and expertise of the martial arts club.
Ongoing Optimization and Maintenance
Continuous monitoring and optimization of the website post-launch required a consistent commitment to quickly address technical issues and improve search engine rankings. This task required constant adaptation to changing SEO guidelines and user expectations.
After launching the website, we implement continuous monitoring and optimization to ensure that the website functions flawlessly and maintains its ranking in search engines.

Design Creation

The customer aimed for a compelling online presence and inviting corporate branding. To meet this desire, we designed a distinctive logo for the website, created a cohesive color and typography scheme, and developed a comprehensive branding guide. Building on these foundations, we then developed the website.


When selecting the typography, we chose a font that not only stands out for its clarity and readability but also perfectly captures the vibrancy of martial arts and the seriousness of the club.



The color scheme is the result of a thoughtful selection aimed at visually capturing the vitality and dedication of the club. We opted for a vibrant mix of intense reds and deep blacks to symbolize the heritage and spirit of martial arts.

Web Design

Our web design is characterized by its straightforward elegance, putting the content front and center without distractions. Using the 12-column Bootstrap grid, we achieve flexible responsiveness that allows flawless adaptation to all types of devices – from laptops and tablets to smartphones. This guarantees optimal presentation on any screen size.


Web Pages

With the same care and attention to detail as the main page, we designed the subpages of the Jyoshinmon website. We stayed true to our clear and appealing design approach to ensure a consistent user experience throughout.
Each subpage is designed to seamlessly blend into the overall look of the website, presenting content in the best possible way, whether viewed on a laptop, tablet, or smartphone.
Our agency skillfully embedded an event calendar into the Jyoshinmon website, allowing users to browse both past and upcoming events. Additionally, we integrated an intuitive schedule module that clearly displays the club's training and class times, which can be effortlessly maintained by the site administrator. Combining these two elements significantly enhances the user experience, giving visitors a comprehensive insight into the diverse offerings of the Jyoshinmon Club.

Web Development

When creating the website, we placed great emphasis on ease of maintenance and usability. That's why we chose the widely-used and highly user-friendly content management system (WordPress), known for its simplicity and efficiency.

Enhancing User Experience with the Divi Builder

At the special request of our client, we integrated the Divi Builder into the website development process. Having had positive experiences with this tool in the past, the client valued the ability to effortlessly edit the website's content themselves. Divi proves to be the perfect choice here, enabling the client to update all information on their website independently, ensuring it is always up-to-date.

We designed custom page layouts for each trainer, referee, and athlete, showcasing photographs, biographies, and earned accolades. These personalized pages allow visitors to easily explore comprehensive details about each individual and appreciate the achievements and talents of the athletes in the Jyoshinmon Club.

Technical Support

Our technical support provides comprehensive care specifically for the Jyoshinmon website, including a variety of essential services: We guarantee smooth site operation, continuously improve its functionality, regularly update content, promptly identify and fix any issues, and ensure unwavering data security. With our dedicated team of experts, the Jyoshinmon website is always in the best hands.
For Jyoshinmon, we offer comprehensive technical support. This includes continuous monitoring of server operations, adding new web pages to the Jyoshinmon site as needed, and ensuring the website is multilingual. Our dedicated team ensures that your website functions flawlessly and is always up-to-date.


Customer feedback
The new website for my Karate academy, created by the web agency Nolorem, has completely won me over. The team was extremely competent and professional. The result is an aesthetically pleasing, functional, and easy-to-use website. I can wholeheartedly recommend this agency.
In conclusion, Jyoshinmon now boasts a contemporary and prominently positioned web presence. The website appropriately represents the sports club and offers numerous features that are beneficial for both prospective members and current athletes. Thanks to the intuitive content management system WordPress, Jyoshinmon is able to maintain the website independently. Additionally, our custom templates allow for the seamless addition of new pages, continuing the coherent design effortlessly.
Improvement of the Conversion Rate
Value of Web Performance
Increase in Brand Awareness


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